The ifa/zivik Project is  to "Building Peace through young adults peace champions in post-conflict communities"


IFA / ZIVIK Project Brief


This brief provides you with a snap-shot of a unique tailor-made project in addressing conflict and livelihood challenges among young adult and youth groups in post-conflict communities in Uganda. Read about “My story”; the amazing, unbelievable, horrific, but real-life stories of former ex-combatants/warriors.

The project was able to transform 407 young people formerly involved in acts of armed violence from being “champions of violence to champions of peace” in their communities. The project directly supported 407 members in 9 peace champion groups. In-turn, the group members have reached out to 2778 community members through sensitizations like Music Dance and Drama, sports for peace, community parliaments, income generation, etc



Young adult and youth groups (peace champions) after completing two trainings; peacebuilding and conflict transformation, and another in livelihood and income generating activities in Kaabong district,  Karamoja region.



Brief about the Young Adult Peace Champions in Uganda
This brief provides you with a snap-shot of a unique tailor-made project in addressing conflict and livelihood challenges among young adult and youth groups in post-conflict communities in Uganda
ifa-zivik - Brief about the project.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.9 MB
Stories of Change and Testimonies by the Peace Champions in Uganda
Read about “My story”; the amazing, unbelievable, horrific, but real-life stories of former ex-combatants/warriors- Stories of change and testimonies " A transformation from champions of violence to Champion of Peace"
Stories of change and testimonies.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
The Story of a Peace Champions in Uganda
Disarming the Minds of War
Story of a Peace Champion in Uganda.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 620.5 KB